Work That Reconnects

Art by Dori Midnight

Art by Dori Midnight

Since 2003, I have been involved as a participant, organizer, and facilitator of the Work That Reconnects as taught by Joanna Macy.  As I reflect back over the years, I realize the impact of this work has been instrumental on how I live my life day to day. As we witness what is difficult to hold in our hearts for the world – loss of species, devastation of forests, perpetual war, climate change - the Work That Reconnects builds motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for the transition to a sustainable human culture. The Work That Reconnects is seen as occurring in a spiral, mapping a journey through four successive stages: Coming from Gratitude, Honoring our Pain for the World, Seeing with New Eyes, and Going Forth. 

Last summer, forty-eight facilitators gathered in Northern California to see how we might support each other and further promote this work in the world. One outcome of the gathering was the idea to create a journal and I am happy to announce it has become a reality. Deep Times, a Journal of the Work That Reconnects is a collaboration of many people and offers articles, poems, and more pertaining to the Work That Reconnects. Enjoy and feel free to pass it forward.

To download PDF version, click here.

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